Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Post Road Art Center in Marlboro to host figure workshops with Bob Collins

Study with Bob Collins during one or all of his 4 intensive figure and portrait workshops. These workshops will be 4 hours each and you will leave with an increased knowledge of drawing and painting the figure and portrait.

Monday, June 18th, 6-10 p.m.- Long Pose Figure Painting Workshop-$50

Monday, June 25th, 6-10 p.m.- Long Pose Portrait Painting Workshop-$50

Bring some newsprint and charcoals for warm up and then some of your favorite prepared surfaces and paints.  Let Bob help you hone your skill during these long poses and you will leave with some works of art!

Post Road Art Center  
  1 Boston Post Road EastMarlboroughMA      01752

Life Drawing classes at Hunakai Studios in Foxboro

Hunakai Studios are pleased to announce their summer Life Studies classes.  These are instructed classes on drawing from the model.  

July 10-31 Tuesday 6-8pm.  4 weeks @ $150 + $30 model fee
August 13-17 Mon-Fri 9-12pm @$250 + $30 model fee